July 4 & 5, 2020
- Next Sunday, July 12th, marks the 200th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diocese of Richmond.
- If you’re looking for a convenient way to support St. Augustine, Faith Direct allows you to do just that using electronic funds transfer from your bank or credit/debit card. Please go to our church website or for more information. As always, we thank you for your donations.
- Any contributions that you could make of non-perishable food or personal hygiene products are truly appreciated and can be left in the entrance of the Parish Office.
- Until further notice, due to the Covid-19, we will not be accepting any donations of clothing.
- Monday Music and Meditation will begin livestream on July 20th at 7pm. If you would like to borrow a hymnal book to follow along, you may see the Deacon or Priest after mass or come to the office and sign one out.
- If you wish to come to the church to pray during office hours, or if you need to come to the office, you are required to wear a face mask. When coming to the office, you will need to be signed in. Thank you for your understanding during this time.