All Masses

  1. OOPS. Please disregard the bulletin, there will be no daily mass this week.
  2. The Big Stone Gap clothing drive will be July 20th and 21st.
  3. The Building Maintenance Collection will take place the weekend of June 15 & 16.
  4. Registration for religious education and sacramental preparation for children and youth will take place next Sunday June 9th after masses. Blue postcards with additional dates can be found in the information Center and the Vestibule.
  5. We are looking for volunteers to join our Baptismal Preparation Team. This will be a once a month commitment meeting with parents and godparents. If you are interested, please contact Amanda Roberts at the Parish Office.
  6. The red book of the Women’s Guild is missing again. If found, please return to the Parish Office.
  7. EveryWoman is starting a new study on the gospel of Luke on Wednesday June 12th. If you are interested in participating, please contact Amanda Roberts at the parish office.
  8. The liturgical ministers schedule for the month of June is now available in the vestibule.