November 17, 2019
4:30 PM & 8:30 AM MASS ONLY
- For those interested in becoming a part of the Saint Augustine Family, new member registration will take place right after the 8:30am mass in room PC 3. We warmly welcome all new members.
- Poor box breakfast will take place immediately after the 8:30am mass in the hall.
- Lector workbooks for the upcoming Liturgical Year may be found in the sacristy. Pick up yours today.
- The Knights of Columbus Bishop Ireton Council 6189 will be selling its Brunswick stew again this year after each Mass this weekend. The price is $8 per quart. Payment may be made by either cash or check payable to the Knights to pursue their charitable work.
- This year the gifts of the Angel Tree will be offered to people with particular needs. We thank you for your constant solidarity to offer a moment of happiness to those who need it most. And, for those who will kindly offer gifts, we remind you that the deadline to return them to the Angel Tree is Saturday, December 7, 2019. Many thanks!
- We still need Liturgical Ministers for our upcoming Thanksgiving, Immaculate Conception, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day liturgies. Sign-up sheets may be found on the table in the vestibule. Thank you.