4400 Beulah Road, N. Chesterfield, VA 23237
Phone (804) 275-7962 / Fax (804) 271-4604

“The Mission of St. Augustine Catholic Church is provide a community where people of all nations can encounter Christ through, the proclamation of the Word of God, the celebration of the Sacraments and service of our brothers and sisters.”

Welcome to Saint Augustine Catholic Church! Our parish marks June 10, 1973 as the official date of founding. Our beloved Monsignor McMahon arranged to have Mass celebrated earlier than that because the need was so great. On Saturday, April 14, 1973 our very first Mass was celebrated at Bensley Elementary School. To learn more, please visit the “Our History” page.

Mass Times/Horario de Misa

Mass Times/Horario de Misa

Sunday Mass/Misa Dominical
Weekend masses are celebrated on
Saturday/sábado:  5:00 pm -English, 7:00 pm -Español
Sunday/domingo: 9:00 am-English, 11:30 am y 1:30 pm Español.

Weekday Mass/Misa entre semana
Mass in English Tuesday – Friday at 9:00 am (English)
Misa en español el juéves (con adoración) a las 7:00 pm, y el primer viernes de cada mes a las 7:00 pm con Adoración Nocturna.

Sacrament of Penance/Sacramento de la Penitencia
Jueves -durante la adoración
Saturday 3:45- 4:45 pm y sábado 6:00-6:45 pm



Parish News (October 12 & 13, 2024)
October 11, 2024
  • Next weekend’s second collection will be for World Mission. Thank you in advance for your support.
  • Are you in high school and searching for a way to deepen your faith? Join us for youth night every second Sunday for 9-10th graders and every second Monday for 11-12th graders. If you have any questions, please contact Karina Bravo in the parish office.
  • You and your family are warmly invited to join us for our Trunk or Treat, organized by the Saint Augustine Youth Group! The event will take place on October 31st from 6 to 8 p.m. We are also in need of candy donations to help make this event a success. If you’d like to contribute, please drop off your donations in the baskets located around the church. Thank you, and we hope to see you there!
  • Please notice that signs have been put up at the entrance /…



Noticias de la Parroquia (12 y 13 de octubre, 2024)
October 11, 2024
  • La segunda colecta del próximo fin de semana es para “World Mission” (Misión Mundial). Gracias de antemano por su apoyo.
  • ¡Usted y su familia están cordialmente invitados a unirse a nosotros en nuestro evento de baúles de santos, organizado por el Grupo de Jóvenes de San Agustín! El evento se llevará a cabo el 31 de octubre de 6 a 8 p.m. También necesitamos donaciones de dulces para ayudar a que este evento sea un éxito.Si desea contribuir, deje sus donaciones en las canastas ubicadas alrededor dela iglesia. ¡Gracias y esperamos verlo allí!”
  • ¿Estás en la “high school” y buscas una manera de profundizar tu fe?Únete a nosotros para la noche de jóvenes cada segundo domingo para los estudiantes de grado 9 y 10, y cada segundo lunes para los estudiantes degrado 11 y 12. Si tienes alguna pregunta, comunícate con Karina Bravo enla oficina parroquial.
  • Un recordatorio que…

Daily Reading

Daily Readings

Memorial of Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church
October 15, 2024

Readings for the Memorial of Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church

Reading 1 GAL 5:1-6

Brothers and sisters:
For freedom Christ set us free;
so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery.

It is I, Paul, who am telling you

Upcoming Events

The Most Recent Mass in English

La Ultima Misa en Español