4400 Beulah Road, N. Chesterfield, VA 23237
Phone (804) 275-7962 / Fax (804) 271-4604

“The Mission of St. Augustine Catholic Church is provide a community where people of all nations can encounter Christ through, the proclamation of the Word of God, the celebration of the Sacraments and service of our brothers and sisters.”


Mass Times/Horario de Misa

Mass Times/Horario de Misa

Sunday Mass/Misa Dominical
Weekend masses are celebrated on
Saturday/sábado:  5:00 pm -English, 7:00 pm -Español
Sunday/domingo: 9:00 am-English, 11:30 am y 1:30 pm Español.

Weekday Mass/Misa entre semana
Mass in English Tuesday – Friday at 9:00 am (English)
Misa en español el juéves (con adoración) a las 7:00 pm, y el primer viernes de cada mes a las 7:00 pm con Adoración Nocturna.

Sacrament of Penance/Sacramento de la Penitencia
Jueves -durante la adoración
Saturday 3:45- 4:45 pm y sábado 6:00-6:45 pm



22 January 25
January 22, 2025

. Good Morning,

Mass, Wings, and Women’s Guild are cancelled. 

This is the look at 7 AM. There is a coating of snow on the parking lot and sidewalks. The office will be opening this morning as usual but I would strongly encourage any of our seniors and others with any mobility issues to not come by, please call or email us instead.  The snow itself is powdery but there may be slick spots underneath and today’s high will be only 28. Better to stay home and pray from there.



22 enero 25
January 22, 2025

Buenos días,

Así luce a las 7 AM. Hay una capa de nieve en el estacionamiento y las aceras. La oficina abrirá esta mañana como de costumbre, pero recomendaría encarecidamente a nuestros mayores y a otros con problemas de movilidad que no vengan, por favor llamen. La nieve en sí es ligera, pero puede haber zonas resbaladizas debajo y la temperatura máxima de hoy será solo de 28 grados. Es mejor quedarse en casa y rezar desde allí.

Daily Reading

Daily Readings

Memorial of Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
January 24, 2025

Readings for the Memorial of Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Reading 1 Hebrews 8:6-13

Brothers and sisters:
Now our high priest has obtained so much more excellent a ministry
as he is mediator of a better covenant,
enacted on better promises.

For if that first covenant…

Upcoming Events

The Most Recent Mass in English

La Ultima Misa en Español