November 3, 2019


1. Liturgical Ministers are needed for our upcoming Thanksgiving, Immaculate Conception, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day liturgies. Sign-up sheets may be found on the table in the vestibule. Thank you.

2. If you have not visited the Women’s Guild Bazaar yet, come check out the treasures they have for you.

3. Father Wayne will continue his Adult Faith Formation in the hall next Sunday after 8:30 mass. All are welcome to attend!

4. Are you looking for a place to eat breakfast with family or catch up with friends after mass? Have no fear! Hippo Café will be serving breakfast after 8:30 and 11:15 mass.

5. The adult education class on the Sacrament of Reconciliation will meet this Wednesday November 6 at 6:00 pm in PC 3. Please contact Amanda Roberts in the office if interested.

6. Next weekend we will have a second collection for the Archdiocese of Military Services. We thank you always for your continued generosity.

7. As we celebrate, the month of November parishioners may bring pictures of their deceased loved ones and place them on the table of remembrance.

8. Thank you to everyone who came together to make the welcoming party for Father Raner Lucila a success. Let us always extend a warm welcome to Father Raner into our Saint Augustine Family.