August 25, 2019


1. Today is the last day to sign up for sacraments and religious education for children and youth. Sign-ups will run until 9:30 am to 6:00 pm in room 18/19.

2. Thank you to those who have donated school supplies for families of low economic status. If you know someone who is in need of school supplies, please have him/her call the office.

3. The blood drive is at our parish Sunday from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm in the parish hall – and your help is needed. The blood supply is dangerously low. Walk-ins are welcome – please take the time to help save three lives.

4. WINGS (Woman In God’s Spirit) registration for 2019-2020 will take place after all masses in the information hall with Sharon Harrison. Wings is open to all women who want to deepen their faith.

5. For those who may have not noticed the change in the bulletin…staff meetings are now on Wednesdays 10:00 -11:30. Please leave a message and we will return your calls in the afternoon or sooner.

6. Lastly, please do not place vases or flower pots on the baptismal
Font. With the large number of children in the parish is can be dangerous.

8:30 AM AND 11:15 AM MASS ONLY

7. Liturgical ministers schedule for the month of September is now available to pick up on the table in the vestibule.