Parish News (May 18 & 19, 2024)

  • The gift shop is in need of bilingual  volunteers.  We are also in need of a “key keeper” and, someone who is willing to manage the shop from 10am to at least 3pm, for one Sunday each month.   If interested, please call the parish office.
  • We are looking for volunteers to be money counters. You do not have to be bilingual to help out.  Please contact the parish office if you’re interested.
  • We would like to honor all high school and college graduates of 2024 and ask them to join us for special blessing which will be given on May 26th during the 9am and 11:30am mass. We ask that you let us know if you’ll be participating by calling the office or emailing [email protected].
  • To all who have keys to the entrances or rooms of the church or facility – All the locks have been changed. Please turn in your old keys.