Easy Activities to Foster your Child’s Faith At Home

As we continue to adapt to the current situation and find ourselves trying new routines or just trying to find some routine that works, this might be a great time to incorporate an activity or two that fosters yours and your family’s faith. Here are a few simple suggestions to get you started:

  1. The Mass: on Sunday (and if you’re able, during the week) participate in the Mass from home. The Mass is transmitted live on the parish Facebook page on Sunday at 9am in English and 11am in Spanish. If you are not able to participate at those times, you can watch the video once it’s uploaded (later in the day). If you are not able to watch the video, read and reflect on the readings for the day. As you participate in Mass from home (and even if you don’t), make sure your son/daughter knows the responses, knows when to stand, kneel, etc. Visit this site for the responses in English.
  2. Prayer: make sure your son/daughter knows the basic Catholic prayers by heart. If s/he doesn’t, this is a great time to work on this. Prayers to know: the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father), the Hail Mary, the Glory be, the Act of Contrition, the Rosary (and the prayers recited during the Rosary). You can find all these prayers in the back of your son/daughter’s Bible or at this site.
  3. Learning at Home:
    1. For children in grades 2-5:
      1. Bible reading: if your child has The Catholic Children’s Bible (St. Mary’s Press) in the back of your child’s Bible you can find a few Bible Reading plans. Pick one, look up and read each passage listed including the Understand it! and Live it! sections that go with the Feature story. Your child can use the stickers to mark the passages read. If you don’t have this Bible, read the Gospel of Matthew, a story at a time (it’s the Gospel we are reading at Mass this year).
      2. Videos: on Youtube, your child can watch videos on the channel Catholic Kids Media or the channel Bible Stories for Kids for longer videos on Bible stories.
    2. For teens in grades 6-12:
      1. Reading: If your teen has the Catholic Teen Bible (Prove It!, Our Sunday Visitor), there are sections throughout the Bible with an overview of Church teaching on the following topics: God, Jesus, Church, Prayer, You. The pages in these sections are in color. Read the sections and look up and read Bible passages it mentions.
      2. Videos: check out some of the clips on Youtube channel CatholicCentral.